Karen Ostdiek Ph.D.
Profile picture of Karen Ostdiek

Karen Ostdiek Ph.D.

Hello and welcome! I'm a data analyst based in Boston, Massachusetts, specializing in business intelligence and marketing analytics. Below, you'll find my detailed resume, while the 'Projects' tab above will take you to my personal GitHub page showcasing my work. In my previous roles, I conducted health insurance analyses, leveraging my analytical skills. Additionally, my academic background includes a Ph.D. in nuclear physics. I'm enthusiastic about discussing opportunities and networking. If you'd like to connect or have inquiries, feel free to use the contact form below or connect with me on LinkedIn.

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Sr. Business Intellience Analyst

October 2021 - present

  • Creating and maintaining analytical tables using SQL (Snowflake), Git/GitHub, and dbt.
  • Creating a marketing analytics dashboard for the Paid Marketing Campaigns, including campaign spend, MQLs, and Closed Won Revenue.
  • Researching and performing multiple touch attribution and regression based attribution analysis for the Paid Marketing Campaigns using SQL and Python.
  • Assisting in SMS Revenue Forecasts and other adhoc analyses.
  • Co-leading the Families Employee Resource Group.

Sr. Risk Adjustment Analyst

February 2020 - October 2021

  • Creating and maintaining analytical tables using SQL (Snowflake), Git/GitHub, Airflow, and dbt.
  • Performing error reconciliation on data submissions as part of government regulations on Medicare Advantage Health Plans.
  • Supporting risk adjustment operations through key performance metric dashboards and compliance audit creation.
  • Collaborating with data scientists and analysts as well as software engineers to model complex vendor data and calculate member level risk scores.

Risk Adjustment Analyst

April 2017 - August 2019

  • Produced the analytics and reporting for an entire line of business using the ACA risk adjustment model. Coordinated data submission for government regulations.
  • Wrote SAS and Excel VBA code for reporting on member risk scores, year-over-year diagnosis gaps, and other key performance metrics. Optimized exisiting VBA code to reduce production time by 50% for hundreds of monthly external reports.
  • Facilitated cross-department meetings for yearly data submission for government regulations. Researched data submission errors and their solutions. Enhanced error reports with team-requested information, such as identifiers and indicators to prioritize work.
  • Reduced data submission rejections to less than 1% and documented process improvements for subsequent governmental submissions.

Volunteer Work

April 2017 - August 2019

Participating in United Way Day of Caring & working in the company's garden where the produce is donated to the local food bank.

Emergency Preparedness Editor


Edited Emergency Operation Plan for the county for grammar, spelling, and style.

Ph.D. in Physics


University of Notre Dame

  • Resolved an existing discrepancy in the field and presented my results through published works and tailored presentations to a variety of audiences, including subject matter experts and the general public.
  • Authored C++ and Python software to identify the decay rates of rare isotopes while reducing false positives from contamination. Wrote LabView software to operate equipment such as a spectrograph magnet and particle detectors.
  • Trained junior research group members in experimental techniques and data analysis.

Volunteer Work


Guide at the Nuclear Science Lab, giving tours to local groups including students, Boy & Girl Scouts, and University officials.

Coordinator for Physics Olympics, a friendly competition between students from different universities, involving physics experiments.

B.S. in Physics & Math


University of Wisconsin - Stevens Point

Resident Assistant


University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point Residential Hall


You can contact me by emailing kmostdiek AT gmail DOT com, or you can send me a message below: